Creativity takes Courage

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On the back of our Ferro shirts is a quote by Henri Matisse, “ Creativity takes Courage.” Three simple words which every time I hear or see, take on a new meaning.

Throughout my career I have had the honor and blessing to work with some of the worlds most “creatively courageous” people.  Many of the names would read as a who’s who across a diverse range of industries;  from Broadway to aerospace; from CBGB’s to the Metropolitan Opera; from local access to HBO. There are also many names that will never be spoken of beyond a small cluster of people.  In either case they all remain an inspiration to me and represent the spirit of creative thought.  Their passion and dedication to their inner voice(s) should be the tales told to our youth at bedtime. Tales that would insure the next generation to learn to believe in themselves and dare to dream beyond the boundaries.

At first glance you may not think these people have anything in common.  Although, when you strip away their window dressings and expose the essence of the person, you find they all possess a common trait, Courage. The courage to believe they have something to contribute, something of great value; the courage to follow a whisper in a world of rattling noise; the courage to stand-alone until others join them. Sometimes it comes in the form of a new combination or sequence of musical notes, other times it’s the interpretation of a landscape in a remote part of the world. I’ve seen it take place on the drafting table of a small architectural firm or in the lines of code written by a young software engineer.  I watched as a healthcare worker reached beyond the boundaries of their education to heal the “lost causes”.  I have witnessed and participated in “it” hundreds of times and ways, all starting with two basic ingredients, creativity and courage.

Many believe that these courageous people are without fear.  That they are somehow immune from the feelings of ridicule, embarrassment or scorn from the more accomplished in their fields. Their lack of fear lets them succeed and create beyond the norm. It is fear that holds the rest on the MORE traveled paths. In my experiences I have never found that to be true. What I have found is that these “creatively courageous” people have just learned to balance their fear with determination and remain committed to seeing their beliefs all the way through to their conclusion.  The ironic outcome is, many times, that conclusion proves their idea wrong or presents immoveable obstacles. It is here that they now balance that frustration with the courage to free their inner belief and try again.

I have learned that creative courage is not a unique trait. The masses say “You either have it or you don’t”.  I say NO! I have witnessed over and over again, that creative courage is a learned art. One that we are all capable of mastering. It is not an antidote for fear.  It is a skill that allows us to move forward despite our fears. Once you push forward with your fears intact, you would have learned the art of courage.  It’s that simple.

We all possess the potential to change the world in some way.  We all possess at least one talent everyone would be drawn too, courage is the amplifier that will let your voice be heard. Go and be heard…the world wants to listen…


Creative Courage allows us…

…to look past the obvious and traditional.

…to look past the guidelines we’ve been taught to judge oneself and others.

…to believe we found a better way.

…to believe we are right and they are wrong to tell us otherwise.

…to remain dedicated and determined.

…to walk away from the masses if you feel the masses are wrong.

…to try something new and not accept the status-quo.

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