Operating the “TowerCam”

I’ve worked with tons of different cameras, lenses, mounts, robotics, jibs, dollies, just about anything related to capturing images, so when a new technology comes along, and I have the chance to work with it, I jump on the opportunity.  The director for ESPN soccer games, who I’ve worked with for years, wanted to add […]

Robotic Cameras at St. Patrick’s Cathedral

St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City is arguably one of the most historic landmarks in the United States.  Since opening it’s doors in 1879, millions of people have visited, gathered and prayed at the cathedral encompassing an entire square city block from 5th Avenue to Madison Avenue between 50 and 51st streets in Manhattan. […]

Robotic Rick and the State of the Union

Rick Cypher, robotics camera operator is a seasoned vet in the production industry, specifically covering live events. In this segment Rick discusses the challenges and techniques he used and overcame while working President Obama’s State of the Union address.